Tumbler 460ml


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Tumbler 460ml

Gewicht 200 g


Die anmutige Form des Glases, HiBall genannt, ist vielseitig einsetzbar. Es eignet sich nicht nur für alkoholische Getränke wie Bier, Longdrinks und Cocktails, sondern auch für Softdrinks, Wasser mit und ohne Kohlensäure. Die sehr dünnen Wände des Glases sorgen für ein perfektes Erlebnis bei jedem Getränk, dessen Geschmack Sie spüren können.

Alle unsere Produkte sind handgefertigt, daher ist jedes Stück ein Unikat. Es kann sein, dass Sie kleine Unvollkommenheiten feststellen, wie z. B. kleine Blasen oder kleine Unregelmäßigkeiten in der Oberfläche, die nur ein Beweis für die handwerkliche Herstellung sind und die Schönheit oder Funktionalität des Produkts nicht beeinträchtigen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte unsere garantierten Qualitätsparameter.

Die Zusammensetzung unserer Glasschmelze, aus der das Klarglas geschmolzen wird, enthält Titan. Titan macht jedes Stück Klarglas viel härter und beständiger, während es die gleiche Flexibilität und Leichtigkeit behält!




First, the shape of the product must be designed. A shape that not only looks good but is primarily functional, allowing the beverage to fully develop its potential. Then, a master mold maker creates a mold from beech wood. The mold must be accurate to a tenth of a millimeter, ensuring that each piece matches in size and shape.

Then, the master glassmaker blows lead-free glass, melted at over 1200°C, into a shape that fits the wooden mold, where it is then further blown into its final form. The higher the quality of the glass and the higher the temperature, the more durable the final product is, despite the lightness and thinness that hand-blown glass offers.

For wine glasses, molten glass is reheated on the underside of the bowl and then pulled with special tongs to form the stem, called a “štýlek”. The stem must be thin, yet durable, to withstand both enthusiastic clinking and dishwasher cleaning without worry. For products without a stem, the product undergoes gradual cooling. But wine glasses (or stemmed glasses) are far from finished at this stage!

A small drop of molten glass is placed on the shaped and cooled stem, and it is then shaped with tongs to form the base of the glass, called the “dýnko”. The molten glass fuses inseparably with the already solid material, meaning no glue or grinding of joints is needed.

The top of the product is snapped off using a diamond tool. The rim is then ground down and polished with a flame. For cut or decorated products, careful handwork follows.

In the penultimate step, each product is given great attention. Only items without visible defects proceed to the next step, which is sandblasting the KVĚTNÁ 1794 logo and packaging it for its journey to you.



Our glass is world-class, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glass, and hand processing. That is why we can guarantee the quality of our products 100%. There are a few practical tips, and by following them, our glass can bring you joy for a long time.

For regular glass:

  1. Wash gently. This means you can wash glassware in the dishwasher without worry, but always use a gentle program and ensure that the glass is correctly placed, not touching other dishes, and that the dishwasher arm won’t hit it. For delicate items such as carafes, vases, or jugs, we do not recommend using the dishwasher. For perfect cleaning, simply soak the glass in warm water with a bit of detergent; for hard-to-reach dirt, use our limescale cleaner.
  2. Avoid extreme temperature changes. Rapid temperature changes (hot to cold) can cause glass to crack. Avoid exposing glass to thermal shocks.
  3. Avoid improper polishing. For correct polishing of the glass, check out our short instructional video where you can find all the necessary information.


  1.  Wash gently. Products decorated with gold are not dishwasher safe. Always wash them by hand using a gentle detergent, and avoid scrubbing too hard.
  2. Avoid extreme temperature changes. Rapid temperature changes (hot to cold) are not good for the glass. Avoid exposing glassware, carafes, or jugs to thermal shocks.
  3. Store glass dry. The reaction of silver under the gold layer with atmospheric influences can gradually cause corrosion of the gold decoration. To prevent corrosion, store gold-decorated glass in completely dry conditions.
  4. Polish properly. If the gold starts to corrode, you can restore its original quality with the careful application of a suitable polishing agent. For perfect polishing, we recommend using SITOL products for polishing glass, decorated glass, and metals. The polishing must be gentle, only in areas affected by corrosion. Excessive polishing of entire surfaces can damage the gold layer.

Und das war's! Wenn Sie diese drei Prinzipien befolgen, werden Sie lange Freude an den Gläsern von Květné haben.