Methods of delivery
Within the Czech Republic and Slovakia we offer delivery of goods by delivery to the address and delivery to the point of delivery. You can also pick up your order free of charge directly at the glassworks shop.
To other EU countries, the only method of delivery is by courier to the address.
International shipping
We are happy to send your package to an address in any of the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden.
When completing your order, select the desired destination from the drop-down list on the checkout page. We will automatically calculate the shipping cost of your package.
Delivery guarantee
We will dispatch your goods within 1, maximum 2 weekdays of receipt of your order. You can see the estimated delivery time to your country on the map.
At Květná we treat each order individually and take into account its individual specifics. We will analyse your order in order to select the ideal packaging for it.We believe that customer satisfaction and environmental protection are values that do not have to be mutually exclusive, but which can complement each other perfectly.
That's why we ship using a variety of packaging techniques to get your package to you safely and without unnecessarily burdening the environment. That's why 90% of the time you won't find plastic among our packaging materials. If we do, it is usually recycled (and further recyclable) material that we have not purchased but have received (bubble wrap, air bags). In addition, for some orders we use loose fill material made of starch, which is very easily biodegradable.
We take great care with every order. We use packing techniques and materials that ensure maximum safety in the transport of the glass, while at the same time not unnecessarily burdening the environment. Even so, we urge you to try to reuse the packaging materials you receive with your goods before you throw them away.
You can use the boxes to store materials or as a paper waste box. Paper can be used as packing material (when moving, drying shoes, protecting the floor when painting, as a base for children to draw on). You'll make great use of the loosefills if you're sending fragile material through the post, which is equally true for bubble wrap or air pads.
Thank you for being on board.